Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blackjack slappers' photostream

title pagesopening pageblog coverCopy of backcoverbackcoverpage 6
page 5page 4page 3page 2page 1cover
the ashcan coverwhat is aswitchblades coveranother carhair bowshomunculus
hot rodblog banner?the switchbladescards give away

just some shots of are ashcan

So what is it about?

Well it breaks down like this, the trio are a plant like monster called Homunculus. Brought to life by a witch, and groomed to be servants to dark spirits, in a nut shell. The idea came up when, working with the youth at church; age range from 12-18 years old and how some of the kids whom grew up in broken homes and jack up families where coming to church and making positive changes in their lives. While others who have the same opportunities didn't move on it but stayed in the situation, instead of growing out of the troubled home and making way for a stable life they much rather stay in what they know and that is in unsuitability. When the comic comes out in Sept. (I'm believing) really tells the story of a broken home. Where the father leaves; in this story he dies, the mother is shaken by the events and is now unstable in herself. She brings another man into her life and he turns out to be abusive, the Blackjack slappers really not sure on how to handle it run away, making a living on the streets. The theme would be this; even thou you might be born into a bad situation doesn't mean you have to stay in it. Well at least that's what I hope this story demonstrates.

and this would be Diesel

Ms. London Day

let me introduce you to the comic.

Friday, June 17, 2011

here's the give aways at the show

So there I was

So there I was at my first show! There where Vaders, Chewbaccas, ewoks, G.I.Joes, ninjas, Batmans, Halos, Stormtroopers, and even a Thor but I have to say his suit was pretty provocative, something no male kid should ever see. Anyways I didn't really know what to do, I had sweaty hands, I had to pee like 150 times, I had uncontrollable flagellants, should I be serious and give that mysterious artistic look, or be super zany over the top, buck wild kid that was dying to get out cause look at me here we are at the first show! It was amazing, first off I had a couple of friends come with me. I had my pal Mister Shane, who is one of the ring leaders to this comic bit, check him out at http://zero-lives.blogspot.com/  and then I had help from this awesome husband wife team that goes by the name of Rosee and Abneil ( I think I spelled those right). Which was cool because Rosee was the pin up model and took pictures with some of the guest who came by the table to see what we had going on. Then I had my lovely wife Sarah, who has been pretty supportive of this boyhood dream. At the end of the day we where tired, sun burned cause I forgot to bring the easy up, thirsty but it went really well.

my first show

I met Aj

I went down to the Fox theater one day and met a couple people during an open house, they had lead me to a man by the name of Aj. Who does his own comics, we met up and he offered me a shot at my first show 'Free comic book day' at 4 color fantasy comics.http://www.facebook.com/ForbiddenPanel
This my first drawing of what was at first the Switchblades but now are the Blackjack slappers, at first I was just going to send them into a hot rod magazine just for fun but it never happened and so I put them on the shelf for about a year and started working on some other projects that never really jelled. ( Look at my rockadoodles for more on projects that never jelled and the Switchblades original art.)

This was my first drawing for the characters the Switchblades

In the beginnig:

I started working on this venture about 20 years ago. Ever since I was a kid I grew up loving comics. The feel of paper; the smell of the comic as it left the protection of the poly bag. The enjoyment of reading that Batman, Superman, the X-men comic, believing in them and their abilities, the invested time into understanding those characters flaws and strengths; ah the good ol days. I remember walking home from the 7-11 reading comics slurpping on a big gulp. I was about 10 years old and it was something I always wanted to do, tell stories and draw them out for people to read. I guess that's why I'm attempting to do this; I'm attempting to make a comic book, with a full time job, 2 kids and 1 wife life can be difficult, money can be tight and energy may be low but I'm 31 and if I don't start this now, I'll probably never do it. I don't want to look back at my life and ask the question, what if? I want to enjoy life and  so that's what I want to do, have some fun. With that this blog is a blog following me on my quest to publish some books, maybe I can find some other interest along the way and I hope to cover my progress the best I can. Wish me luck?