Monday, October 1, 2012

Free comic book day!

It was May 5th, cinco de mayo and 3386 people came out to 4 color fantasy out in rancho for FCBD. It was amazing! We got the chance to meet all of these fans and I had a blast! i think the best part for me was doing request drawings. It was just fun. i am glad you guys came out and I can't wait till next year. thanks guys for making it great.

look at the new blog page at Rivets @ blogger

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

comic cover

so why the change?

I had to make a decision, about changeing my name from Blackjack slappers to Rivets. It didn't make since to call a company one of the comics titles, so I changed it to Rivets. I am also going to make some more changes, I am working closer with Forbidden panel so a lot of my items will be tranfered to their web site. I have a new blog going up as well under Rivets, it displays the newer look of the company,so take a look, warning there is only a couple of post but it's on it's way. Find my on facebook : under Rivets comics of course.

New comic name and changes

Thursday, May 3, 2012

San Bernardino County museum.

I was invited by my pal Jay From Comic Quest to do an art show at the S.B. county museum, it was cool cause it was an all around art show. Live bands, artist from all walks of life, and we just sat and talked to art lovers. There was food and beer if your into that kind of thing. But for about 3 hours it was great talking and hanging out with fans of art.

Comic Expo!

So after Wonder con, I started getting ready for Comic expo in Redland Ca. The show turned out nice, there was a great selection of vendors and a lot of things to look at. Great set of artist and writers, I really had a good time and my table set up was great! I also brought out a ton of merchandise this time. I had sticker, journals, prints, ashcans and so much more! So all in all great time, and what else was cool was my youngest daughter had her first nerd moment and wanted to talk, hang out and get a pic of 'Romona Flowers' from the costume contest.

( thanks Aj for making it happen.)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wonder con

So I had gone to Wonder con in Anaheim, California! It was pretty awesome and I took a crap load of pictures, I met a couple of artist I love, truly I do. Here's some pics. Here's Jim Lee which had just got done signing my X-men 275! This man was the one that really got me exicited about comics growing up, I loved his work on x-men. I met Eric Powell creator and artist of the Goon which is the only mainstream book I really follow today. Mike Mignola creator of Hell Boy nuff said, but I do have to say this however, he was a really cool guy because the kid standing in front of me brought a stack, no a grip, no a truck load of comics for mike to sign; and he did! All of them and he was cool about it, which to me I would be kind of pissed off by it but Mike was a champ. Way to go Mike.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

there's the cover art

My first full book.

I know when you look at the blog there are a ton of pictures of the Black Jack Slappers "the Band art," and now I am showing you the "Back Lots" comic book, right, doesn't make scents. But here's the deal, the band in real life kind of fell apart, so I am still working on the music still it just going to take a little longer than I thought, so in the mean time I was working on the comic of Hobbs and his many adventures of the" Back lots" in which we will introduce to the world at Wonder con in Anaheim. So if you in the area stop on by and say hi! We'll be at the Forbidden Panel booth, and look for Lou.